touchOPHTHALMOLOGY is an online resource for an audience of global ophthalmologists and allied healthcare professionals
Spanning all ophthalmology specialties, touchOPHTHALMOLOGY is written and curated by our team of medical writers and features leading faculty and experts from around the world.
We address the most important and salient developments in the field of ophthalmology, creating insight articles, conference reviews and medical education. Together with our international editorial board we also produce leading journals.
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Peer-reviewed and free-to-access, our bi-annual journal touchREVIEWS in Ophthalmology sets the tone for the rest of the medical education and clinical coverage across the site
Our journals aim to break down the high science from ‘data-rich’ primary papers and provide practical advice and opinion on how this information can help physicians in the day-to-day clinical setting. Special reports, editorials, case reports and original research articles are also featured to promote discussion and learning amongst physicians, clinicians, researchers and related healthcare professionals.
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Global Conference Coverage

Covering congresses around the world
We actively interview experts and opinion leaders at some of the biggest ophthalmology conferences and annual meetings (virtually or in-person) including highlights from AAO, AGS, ASCRS, EGS, ESCRS, EURETINA, ISOPT, SOE, and WOC
Visit the touchOPHTHALMOLOGY Conference Hub